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Wouter Declercq
Jan 04, 2019
In Community made bots
Saw some dude selling this on here. It was litteraly the easiest bot to make on VisualRM.
Wouter Declercq
Jun 04, 2018
In Bot requests
GameType: RS3 Skill: Magic & Smithing Description: Uses superheat on runite ore using preset 1 with coalbag Requirements: 85 Smithing, 43 magic, 35 dungeoneering for coal bag Notes: The bot should first check if runite ore is in inventory, if not it should open the bank, right click the coal bag and press fill, then it should withdraw a preset. Then it uses the action bar to use superheat on the last runite ore in the inventory until all ores are made into bars, once that's complete, the cycle recommences. Use this picture as a reference for the optimal inventory setup.
[RS3] Superheater content media

Wouter Declercq

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