Use the slider to specify an activation chance range.
Every time the Randomizer returns true it will internally generate a value between the specified values of the slider.
At every pass through this node, the bot will generate a number from 1-100. If the value is below the generated number it will return true.
Boolean modulator
Choose a boolean variable and assign it's value based on another boolean variable value.
The most common way to use it is to define "Dynamic Bool", "True" and "False" boolean variables. Assign either The "True" or "False" boolean to the Dynamic bool with this node at certain points in your logic. Use the Boolean Check node to evaluate it's value.
Boolean check
This node allows directing of the bot logic according to a boolean variable.
It goes hand in hand with the Boolean modulator node.
Assign one or multiple boolean variables to the dropdown. All of the selected variable have to be true for the node to be successfull.
NOTE: By selecting inverse, all booleans have to be false