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Worldhop action


  • Next: Hops to the next world in the list that matches your whitelist and blacklist preferences

  • Random: Hops to a random world matching your preferences. (Slower)


  • Use this set of filters to include/exclude which worlds you want to be able to hop to

Shop action


  • Buy: Select the amount(Number variable) and items (Sprite item variables) to buy.

  • Buy until inventory amount: Buy until inventory contains a certain amount of items.

  • Buy until stock: Buy items until the store reaches a certain stock. Usefull in OSRS to avoid buying items at high prices

  • Sell: Sell a desired amount of items

  • Close: Closes the shop interface


  • This option decided internally what Buy option it will use (1,5,10,50,...) to speed things up. It takes into account desired quantity, stackable, inventory spaces, available stock, desired target stock etc. Might come in handy for certain shop buying bots


This node is the basis for all you basic interactions. Before starting you need to know that this node in itself provides Walking to, rotating the camera and interacting with the entity of your choice as long as it it in the loaded region/reachable or if you have it on you.

It is advised to always use a condition node of the specified item/entity type before using this node

Entity type:

  • Ground item: In general all items that are able to be picked up (some exceptions). Use this to loot items. 

    • The Entity name takes Ground item variables as value

  • Inventory: All items in your inventory​

    • The Entity name takes Sprite item variables as value​

  • Equipment: Similar to inventory, but for you gear​

  • Npc: Non-playable characters such as monsters, bankers, shops,...

    • The Entity name takes ​Npc variables as value

  • GameObject: Entities in the gameworlds such as rocks, trees, doors, obstacles,...​

    • The Entity name takes GameObject variables as value​

  • Player​: Both your own as other players.

    • The Entity name takes Player variables as value

Item name​

  • Select one or multiple variables to look for the enitity you want to interact with. You can e.g. add multiple GameObjects in 1 node with multiple action values to reduce the amount of nodes in your logic tree. (More info in the relevant conditions documentation)

  • Hovering the dropdown will make a Query PopUp appear. Select multiple parameters to specify your needs. (More info in the relevant condition documentation)

  • By checking partial name matching you can have the variable values only contain part of the name of the entity. 

  • NOTE: this is not an obligatory field, leave it empty to only use the action values or the properties in the query builder


  • Select one or multiple actions by using String variables. Further more the same principles apply as the item name dropdown

Traversal action

This multipurpose node has several options to traverse through the game.


  • To coordinates: Traverse to a specified Coordinate variable by using a specific path type (cfr infra). 

    • Info:

      • To define a Coordinate, the variable value must contain the pattern X,Y,Z.​

      • ​Valid examples: Coordinate(1325,4226,2) or 2345,1256,0 or (2153,1111,1)​​

      • Coordinates can be found by using the GET button next to the add variable button (gets your current location) or by using the dev kit for other coordinates

  • To area: Same as To coordinate but you are able to define a radius where to traverse too (Only web path options here)

  • To nearest bank: Traverses and interacts with the nearest reachable bank using RM's default algorithm

  • To nearest altar: Traverses and interacts with the nearest reachable altar using RM's default algorithm

  • Teleport accessory: Uses an accessory in your inventory or equipment. Define the desired location by using a String value with the correct teleport option (this uses partial matching). If you encounter accessories that do not work please report.

  • To unoccupied coordinates: This option allow you to travel to one of several specified coordinate variable which are not occupied by gameobjects matching the specified query. Example of usage: hunter traps

Path Types:

  • WEB_FULL -> Uses the full Web to reach almost any place, but will use RegionPath when the destination is within the loaded region for speed purposes

  • WEB_ONLY -> Only uses the Web even when the coordinate is loaded

  • WEB_NO_TP -> Uses WEB_FULL but disables use of teleports

  • REGION -> Used for accurate traversal when the destination is loaded in the current region. Use this when the destination is nearby, but you still need to consider avoiding obstacles (note: it does not traverse obstacles like web)

  • BRESENHAM -> Most basic but fastest pathing just drawing a straight line from your current location to the destination. Does not consider obstacles

  • VIEWPORT_XXX -> Will click tiles in the game view in stead of the minimap (when possible. This doesn't happen often when using Web)

Keyboard Action

This node allows you to either type a key, press and hold a key or type a string.

The value type it accepts is String.

For Type key and press and hold key your variable needs to be 1 character long. Unless you want to use special keys.

Currently supported special keys are:

(Value -> key it will press)
LEFT -> Left arrow

RIGHT -> Right arrow

UP -> Up arrow

DOWN -> Down arrow

SHIFT -> Shift
ESCAPE -> Escape

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