Invetory Condition - IsFull(Success) -
How do i drop all the ore?
Do i have to loop it so that once it done all the condition? then it will go back to start?
Please Help , Pardon for the noobness, New to this bot , but with some programming background. =)
I have also include Caculation Condition to stay within Mining Spot of 3 Value.
You should be able to structure it like a proper tree. I'm new to this software as well, but if you have a check to see !isInventoryEmpty(): dropIronOre() or something. Look at using a keybind to drop the ore and just call that keybind if the inventory isn't empty..
The route i would go in this specific software is a check for IsEmpty, then a branch off of when that fails that it calls the keybind to drop ore. on success go back to mining.