the information you shared is great for every visitor and will like to read about Abu Huraira prayer times in your further topics, you shared great piece of knowledge really enjoy reading this.
Oct 14, 2019
Thanks for the sharing can you please share some idea about Winter Jackets.
Yeah, this sincerely wasn't difficult to make that became the nice element. I want to get humans to post their pleasant work. django jacket assume you may post a photo of your first-class bot prices to help get it started?
Max Davies
Jan 30, 2019
Nice work! Here's the results from my safespotting cannon/alching bot. These results are after pausing it a few times, so exp/hour is probably slightly better. The only way I've found to check for the cannon being empty is to condition check the chat box for "your cannon is out of ammo", which isn't 100% consistent. If anyone has any ideas how to count the number of c balls shot, I think this would be an ideal solution. If you're interested in trading ideas/bots add me on Discord - mux#6772
Jan 24, 2019
This isn't too hard depending on what you're doing, doing bronze bars which is the easiest thing you can do was like 130k/h so I could see things like iron ore being around 200k/h and higher ores being even more.
the information you shared is great for every visitor and will like to read about Abu Huraira prayer times in your further topics, you shared great piece of knowledge really enjoy reading this.
Thanks for the sharing can you please share some idea about Winter Jackets.
organization 13 coat
Yeah, this sincerely wasn't difficult to make that became the nice element. I want to get humans to post their pleasant work. django jacket assume you may post a photo of your first-class bot prices to help get it started?
Nice work! Here's the results from my safespotting cannon/alching bot. These results are after pausing it a few times, so exp/hour is probably slightly better. The only way I've found to check for the cannon being empty is to condition check the chat box for "your cannon is out of ammo", which isn't 100% consistent. If anyone has any ideas how to count the number of c balls shot, I think this would be an ideal solution. If you're interested in trading ideas/bots add me on Discord - mux#6772
This isn't too hard depending on what you're doing, doing bronze bars which is the easiest thing you can do was like 130k/h so I could see things like iron ore being around 200k/h and higher ores being even more.