Game type: RS3
This Herblore bot is designed to function with any herb, unf or potion.
If you only want to clean herbs, it will do that. If you only want to make (unfs), it will do that. If you only want to make potions, it will do that. If you want to do ALL of this, it will do that.
I've run this for several hours with no issues; cleaning herbs, making (unfs) and finishing potions. Required:
3 presets available to use
World that has a Portable well (not required if just cleaning herbs)
Vials of water
Grimy or clean herbs (or both)
Secondary ingrediants (if making finished potions)
Empty inventory
NOTE: If cleaning herbs start with inventory filled with grimy herbs. NOTE: If finishing potions have many more secondary ingrediants than (unfs) NOTE: If making (unfs) or potions have many more vials of water than you think you need Presets:
Preset one: 14 vials of water & 14 clean herbs
Preset two: 28 grimy herbs
Preset three: 14 (unf) potions & 14 secondary ingrediants
The recommendations below should be used if you encounter an issues such as: lag, missclicks, general bugs
Graphic settings:
CPU usage = Normal
Idle animations = Few
Lighting details = Low
Anti-aliasing = None
Max screen size = 800x600
Display Mode = DirectX (can be changed for what works best on your computer)
Remove roofs = Always
Particles = Low
Custom cursors = Yes
Screen Sizing = Fixed (Very important)
Screen layout:
Map = Smallest size - top right
Inventory = Full size - right side, under map
Ability bar = Long - Bottom left to middle
Settings bar = To the right of ability bar & underneath inventory
Chat = Smallest size / Removed - Bottom left side, above Ability bar
Zoom = Mid level zoom works best for me (try for yourself)
If you encounter any bugs after following these recommendations:
Update it yourself and repost it (please give me credit ☺)
Let me know exactly what happened in as much detail so I can fix it
Final notes:
Watch it for a few minutes to make sure it runs smoothly
If the requirements are followed (including the notes) the bot will stop once there are no materials
UPDATE: .json files for every extreme and overloads. All presets set on preset 2. --->
P.S. My (code) is very messy, sorry! Hope you guys enjoy!
Happy Botting
Hello! Can you help me with one for OSRS to do Guam potion (unf) To elaborate them in the GE. Thank you
Idk whats wrong but if i want to clean herbs the bot :/
Not to be a nuisance but would you be able to add portable capability to those scripts as well?
Thank you very much for responding to me!! This helped a ton, sorry for the late response my work schedule has been pretty ridiculous recently.
teran12 Let me know if you get it to work! Here you go. I used these for 99. make sure you have your preset set on 2 for each one you do, inventory must be 14/14 or 27/1 accordingly.
This bot worked Flawlessly for me, til i got to 88 and switched to Extremes.. It wont work at all now and I am having trouble figuring out how to get it to run smooth still. This bot is incredible though, extremely surprised with its capabilities... Just need to learn to use it properly
You should save this file as a .json and then load it in the bot. I will add it to the repo tho.
Where am I supposed to put the wall of code to be able to use?