this subject is stealing our script and selling them on a page that has 100m ... a page alternate to runemate with script of this platform and does not give any merit to the creator of visual or of those who create to share lack of ethics and moral Check it out I leave the page
Yep that is my website, and the only script premium is my script, not the others that i didnt created, Premium membership is to get all my premium scripts that i'm making i use it for an alternative to this forum i always say VisualRM is the platform, so i'm not getting the credits from the main (VISUALRM) script. Im noy saying i created visualrm so i'm not taking the credits from Atlas also and the most important, I'm not breaking any rule, Some scripts are published there, I'm not getting the credits from those scripts, i just edited them added breaks and stuff. And they are free so i'm not selling them because i have respect for the owners.
So stop lying,
The webmaster is adding the owners credit to every script that's why it says Format, because he didnt really know who created it so i'm currently fixing that.
Almost all the scripts that aren't mine, are from @RsRick The scripter that inspired me and practically taught me what I know, also Blue dragons from @Fyben. This is all.
And if you press download, the corresponding credits will come out.