(Glacor Cave) (Updated V2.0)
This first one will mine in the Glacor cave and use the tokkul-zo to bank at tzhar and will then use the fairy ring back to the Glacor cave.
requires you to start the bot at either the mining location or outside tzhaar fight caves, it also requires you to have the Tokkul-zo (along with ore box if you're using) on the banking preset. (Rellekka)
(Updated V2.0)
This one will mine at the spot NE of rellekka then home tele to bank and back to rellekka lode to start the trip again make sure to have your ore box set up in your banking preset!
And also be sure again to start the bot at either the the mining location or the bank
Edit v2.0 Rockertunities included!!
Edit v1.1 Updated Glacor cave recognition so it doesnt get stuck on glacor fairy ring if no glacors are visible, please re-download if you have this issue. link updated. and also a 4 tick variant for those who desire it.
Could you possibly add using signs of porters?
So I just bot my runescape when I cant play it to powerlevel
@orionkiw Sorry i didnt test the full thing since ive been kinda busy and only fixed the part u mentioned XD @Dutchy cool guy holding down the fort while im at uni
Fixed again and set to bank in edge
Hey since atlas updated the bot for the issue that occurred yesterday the rellekka bot just stands in place after climbing the ladder(just before skillchompa area). Just wondering if you could take a look into that or if it's just a rm issue
Rellekka one keeps getting stuck before even filling the first inventory, then afk's till lobbied and stops.