[OSRS] Kirk's Gold Farmer
Gold Jewelry Bot w/ Anti-Ban/
GitHub Gist:
(1) Gold Bars in Bank
(2) Specific Mould in Bank
(3) Must be at bank, the Furnace, or in-between.
How to Change Gold jewelry 'Type':
(1) Pause bot when inv is filled with bars/jewelry
(2) Make another Variable: "Gold _____" and make it an "Interface Object"
(3) Now make another Variable: "Gold _____", with the Value "Gold _____". and make it a "Sprite Item"
(4) Follow the bottom Flow Modules to find the Gold ____ options to change out.
(5) You should change:
[Interface Condition: Text, Interface Object]
[Interface Interaction: Interface Object]
thanks! If anyone like this, ill be working on a Herb Flipping Bot: buys/cleans/sells/repeat