Game type: OSRS
Bot title: Old School Cannonballer v1.1
Summary: Smelts Cannonballs at Edgeville for hours on end.
Requirements: Ammo mould in 1st inventory slot. Noted steel bars in 2nd inventory slot. Start at Edgeville bank or furnace.
UPDATE v.1.1:
Bot has been run for multiple hours while perfecting everything.
Fixed issues:
Bot would open bank with misclick and stop. FIXED: Bot banks cannonballs and continues. UPDATE: Bot will just close bank and continue.
Bot would stop on level-up. FIXED: Will start smelting again after level up.
Bot would spam 1 when at bank. Partially fixed: Bot will missclick option 1 randomly.
Bot has succesfully smelted 6000 cannonballs, left completely unattended without issues.
Smelted 8000 cannonballs overnight.
UPDATE v1.1: Issues with item registration while banking currently, bot still functions perfectly, will just close bank instead of banking cannonballs.
If any additional issues are found, please comment down below. Anyone else that updates the bot, please share your work in the comments.