Download Link: DeepSeaFishing bot v3.0
Change Log:
• Runs better than before.
• Can now bank using Magical net,
• Fixed an issue where Fishing notes will not be use and bot will keep on trying to withdraw preset. Now Fishing notes will be used first before banking.
• Made variables easier to navigate.
- When using either Magical net: Swarm Area or Magical net: Sailfish Area, set both Magical net of which is not in use and bank preset variable to false.
- Only uses boost available in the inventory.
For Fishing Area you can either use coordinates below or get it yourself.
Interface Layout Suggestion:
Fishing Method: Your primary fish to catch within the area you are fishing(Case sensitive).
Fishing Action: Depends on what type of fish your are trying to catch. (Catch, Throw bait, Net)
Use fishing boost?: Set to true or false
Use bank preset?: Set to true or false
Bank preset #?: Can be any fishing preset of yours, this is for quick banking purposes.
Magical net: Swarm Area?: Set to true or false (if true set Magical net: Sailfish Area? and Use bank preset? to false)
Magical net: Sailfish Area?: Set to true or false (if true set Magical net: Swarm Area? and Use bank preset? to false)
Distance to Fishing Location?: Depends on how big the area is. Can be set from 5-15.
Distance to Bank?: Can be set from 5-10. If having trouble using Magical net, just set it to 10.
Fishing Area: Can be done by getting the new coordinate of the fishing location you are trying to camp.
NOTE: This doesn't support FISHING FRENZY.
Thank you. :)
Hehe, i'd like this again, good work on updating this :)
Added to the public repo